Welcome to bflony.com, the shortcut to Buffalo, NY. I’ll be adding links to interesting sites about Buffalo as I get time. The site also gives me a chance to play with web-authoring software, javascript, and other tools that interest me.

Some of my interests include Buffalo media, sports, music, computers, networking, and telecommunications. Expect new links to sites that deal with those topics soon.



News & Notes:

¨ Get to your e-mail via the web by going to webmail.bflony.com.

¨ Former acsmetro.com customers can access their e-mail accounts here.

¨ Get the current weather fast. Go to the left margin and click on Forecast for the fastest WNY weather outlook on the Internet!

¨ Stop SPAM with tools that you already have on your computer. Click here for more information.



Click for Buffalo, New York Forecast